I bought myself a Chanel blush today 🙂
Moonlight Mile
Last night I watched the first part of Moonlight Mile, it seemed really promising.
At work, but can’t work with anything since my computer is down. I can use this one for a couple of hours, but it doesn’t have the development environments that I need. Boring… The computers we ordered last week are still in pre-production so I have no idea what to do until then.
Bad Day
This is exactly what I wanted to do with my computer earlier today.
It’s a classic, but I found it today again via SUPER fast COMPUTER.
Blue Screen
Ok… right now I’m really angry!!! My f***ing computer got a blue screen and just continues to get it each time I reboot. So I guess there is not that much to do about it. (Error Message: Stop c000021a {Fatal System Error}. The first thing to do to recover from this error is to create a parallel installation of NT, and from that it gets even worse… nothing I’m willing to do.) We ordered a new computer last week but that one will not arrive for another two weeks, so I’m wondering what I’ll do until then. A programmer is no good without her computer.
6ft Under
Waiting for the newest Six Feet Under episode to become available… it is the absolutely best TV-show since Twin Peaks.

Gibson & Moore
I have to recommend two of the books I’ve read this month: William Gibson’s ”Pattern Recognition” and Michael Moore’s ”Stupid White Men”.
So far today, I’ve at least managed to create a new CVS project and some modules for a new project at work… I’ve learned my lesson the hard way, what happens when you don’t use CVS for your projects. Last week we noticed that I had been cleaning my account a bit too hard and had removed a whole project that was going to be used once more. (We noticed that the same day as we were going to ship the product…) Thank God that it wasn’t that hard to redo it, thanks to that I had used the same code for another project…
The Beginning
Gotten inspired by both William Gibson and my friend Roine, I’ve decided to start to blog.