Kategori: Allmänt
Stockholms glasshus
Italian lemon ice cream with raspberry topping from Stockholms glasshus… fantastic!
This morning when I walked to work, the sun was shining and it was 20 ° C. Less than 15 minutes later a thunderstorm broke loose… I think it’s over now ’cause I can really feel the falling of air pressure. I guess the summer has finally arrived
Contrary to all my feelings towards golf, I’ve been reading a lot of the articles about Annika Sörenstams historic participation on the PGA Tour. I hope she’ll do great, but just the fact that she’s playing is enough. It’s always interesting to see what kind of feelings that are brought to the surface when it comes to the issue of women competing with men on the same terms. Why are so many men afraid? I don’t understand it. If they are as superior as they think they are, then what could happen except that being proved?