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Månad: juni 2003
Stockholms glasshus
Italian lemon ice cream with raspberry topping from Stockholms glasshus… fantastic!
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Finished ”Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” this morning, 766 pages in three days…
Harry has become a teenager in the words all meanings. His life has become filled with love problems, identity issues, and anxiety over tests, and bursts of anger. The book might not be that appropriate for the youngest Potter fans, I guess that 12 might be a good age (I myself is 26 and I found it quite terrifying in some parts).
It becomes more and more obvious that she (J.K. Rowling) already from the start has had a clear outline over how it all ties together. I look forward towards reading the final two planned parts, that might however take a while considering how long the last two became.
The book is of course worth recommending, and if you havent read the first four: Do it!
Mr Gay Sweden 2003
My best friend Johan is one of the candidates for Mr Gay Sweden 2003.
Vote for him by sending an SMS to 72347 containing MRGAY 08
Sale at Debenhams
They have a sale at Debenhams’ cosmetics departement today. Might leave work early…
Saga taking a bath.
Karen Millen Shoes
New shoes from Karen Millen I love them!
Alice Sebold
Two books you have to read this summer:
”Lucky” and ”The Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold.
I couldn’t put them down until I had finished them. I love books that do that to you, make you forget the world around you and suddenly wake up 10 hours later not really knowing what hit you.
”Lucky” is Alice’s memoir that tells the story of how she was raped as an 18-year-old college student. It’s horrifying, scary, and above all: true. And it is written in a language that keeps you reading even though you know you really do not want to learn more about those horrors.
”The Lovely Bones” is her first novel. It has been highly praised and is actually worth it to. A must read!
On the Farm
Escaped the city for a few days last week to visit my parents on their farm.
Me and My Mother
Right now my mother is twice as old as I am.